Employee Stories: Anoop Koithodi

Anoop Koithodi

Anoop Koithodi

Senior Manager

I joined Praxair in 2010 because of its reputation for having a great work culture, strong values, and opportunities growth.

I handle procurement and sourcing of spares, tanks, and prime-movers for distribution. I also finalize rates and contracts for bulk and package outsourced vehicles. From ensuring I am providing support and competitive costs to internal users, to implementing strategies that positively impact the overall Praxair distribution business, my role is demanding. It’s the challenging nature of what I do day-to-day that makes me enjoy my job.

At Praxair, you will always find the challenges to be rewarding and, yes, there is always recognition and appreciation for a job well done. The ability to continually learn and to interact with people across regions, and the world, ensures you have exposure across the company and a real ability to grow.

Those realities, to me, are among the most invigorating reasons to make a career at Praxair.

It’s a place where your ideas are valued and your expertise comes to life.